Grounded with Steve Hartland

Technology and the Christian - Grounded Ep. 3

October 12th, 2022

How should Christians think and act towards new technology? Pastor Steve breaks down some history of technology and how different Christians in the church have handled it.

So should Christians steer clear of any new tech or is there a more nuanced approach for us to take? Find out in today's episode of Grounded!

  • Start of Show Notes -

(1.) Christians Before us Have Used Tech - Travel, writing, transmission (Paul - Acts 27, 1440 Gutenberg, 1844 Morse)

(2.) Downsides to Tech - Changes and affects the message (1967 McLuhan - The Medium is the Massage, 1985 Postman - Amusing Ourselves to Death)

(a) Online service not as good quality as in person

(b) Temptation for Christians to stay home

(3.) Upsides to Tech -

(a) Remote access for those who can't attend

(b) Helps to gather new guests

(4.) Online Campus - Falls short of how the Bible describes us doing Church

(5.) Metaverse - VR Church, should this be considered? (Carrie Newhoff, LifeChurch)

(6.) Review:

  • Employ tech wisely
  • It's vital for church to be in person

  • End of Show Notes -

So that’s it for today, church and modern tech.

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