Grounded with Steve Hartland

The War in Israel, Prophecy Fulfilled? - Grounded Ep. 30

November 15th, 2023

Steve tackles this timely topic from what the Bible has to say regarding Israel.

(Timestamp Notes)

01:27 - Question: Is the Israel war of prophetic significance?

01:51 - Remember, we as Christians can differ on this - Rom. 14

02:34 - My position is... Rom. 11

03:31 - What God has done is this: Abrahamic covenant

04:58 - National Israel was (past-tense) chosen as God’s people.

06:53 - Israel broke the covenant - God promised a new covenant.

09:37 - John the Baptist shows up, forerunner.

12:01 - The purge of Israel, cull out true believers from nominal.

14:25 - Jesus forsook National Israel (save for the remnant of true believers)

16:34 - There’s a new thing (“new man”) created, the Church - Eph. 2

17:41 - New definition of Israel - Rom. 9

19:17 - Israeli peoples can be grafted back into the new? - Rom. 11

21:20 - Paul calls this one, new man, the Israel of God. - Gal. 6:15-16

22:22 - John has very strong words to describe the Jewish people - Rev 2 & 3

23:24 - New Jerusalem supersedes the old Jerusalem Rev 21:2

24:42 - Foundation of Apostles and Prophets - Eph 2:20

25:25 - Summary (1) Current (National) Israel is not in covenant with God.

26:12 - (2) The war is not the sign. It is a general sign.

26:43 - (3) Knowing this does not lead to anti-semitism.

27:09 - (4) Israel going to war does not fulfill any particular prophecy (not Holy).

28:05 - (5) We should pray for Israel’s conversion - Rom. 9

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in Christ,

  • The Grounded Team