Grounded with Steve Hartland

Husbands and Wives in Christ - Grounded Ep. 5

November 9th, 2022

This episode is to help Christian Marriages: Christian Husbands and Christian Wives.

Pastor Steve shares with us what the Bible has to say about marriage.

There are unique dynamics to the Christian marital covenant for the husband and wife respectively.

  • Start of Show Notes -

(1.) The broader effects of our fallenness (Gen. 1, 2 & 3)

(2.) General observations regarding marriage - (Feminism, biology, patriarchal, matriarchal-matrilineal)

(3.) Is there hierarchy in marriage? - In marriage, by God's design, there is ranking (Huppa tasso - 'Rank self under')

(4.) Don't tap out - some observations regarding women bucking and regretting weak men.

(5.) Ephesians 5 - Husbands, love your wives. Wives, respect your husbands.

(a) Men want and need respect.

(b) Women will be tempted to despise their husbands.

(c) Respecting a husband will be difficult.

(6.) Before marriage for women - Ask yourself, "Do I respect this man?"

(7.) Before marriage for men - Ask yourself, "Will she gladly follow my principled leadership.

(8.) Act like men - The Bible assumes there are things that are unique to the nature of a man. (1 Cor 16:13)

(9.) The Godly wife - Strengthen your man, cultivate subordination for the principled leadership of your husband for your family (Examples in: Eph, Col, Titus, 1 Peter)


  • Men have been given rank and need respect from their wives.

  • Women are more relational and need love from their husbands.

  • End of Show Notes -

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A podcast of Cornerstone Community Church in Joppa, MD [](